Whole and Half Hogs

Our Best Seller

Buying pork in bulk is the most economical way to purchase your meat.

What do I get?


(approximately 30% of yield weight)

  • Pork Chops

  • Pork Steaks

  • Tenderloin


(approximately 15% of yield weight)

  • Ham

  • Shoulder

  • Loin

  • Butt

Ground Pork/Sausage

(approximately 35% of yield weight)


(approximately 20% of yield weight)

  • Ribs

  • Bacon

  • Jowl

Any cuts you won’t use can easily be turned into ground pork, sausage, or delicious brats.

You will also have the option of organ meats, heart, liver, head and lard.

Frequently asked questions

+ How long does it take to eat a whole hog?

Eating pork three times a week, it will take a family about six months to eat a whole hog.

+ How much freezer space do I need?

Whole Hog: 7 cubic feet

Half Hog: 3.5 cubic feet

+ How much does it cost?

Whole Hog: $3.75/lb plus processing (typical hanging weight is 150-230lbs)

Half Hog: $4/lb plus processing (typical hanging weight is 80-120lbs)

The processing cost varies, depending on how you get your meat cut up. You will be responsible for the processing cost separately, upon picking up your meat.

+ Do you offer wholesale discounts?

Visit our wholesale page for more information on our whole hog discount.

Reserve your hog

Place your deposit online, then receive a notification when your hog is ready for processing and pickup!